Friday, August 08, 2008

Week 1 August Declutter Challenge

I am really glad that I have joined this challenge. Its been hard to get rid of clutter but it feels good all at the same time.

Day 1-Masterbath

Day 2-Soda Rewards

Day 3- Old Gift
Day 4- Recycling

Day 5- Flip Flops

Day 6- Blue Flip Flops

Day7- Jeans


Marcia Francois said...

You are doing a great job, Nikki.

Well done. One week down, three to go!

Marcia from Organising Queen (yes, with an S :))

HDMac said...

Wahoo!! Feels good doesn't it to get rid of that clutter? Good job!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is hard to let it go.
Sometimes I feel a little immobolized; there is so much to do I'm not sure where to start.

Congrats on a successful week 1.

Anonymous said...

А! i enjoy exactly how you receive your level throughout